Sarah Johnson

Nurturingbirth Directory Doula Listing

Personal Introduction:

I’m an experienced birth doula and postnatal doula in London, UK.
One of my clients memorably described my support at her birth as “like having my mum there - but without the emotional strings attached!” If that’s the sort of doula you want and you’re in the London area, then give me a call.
In another life I was - still am, sometimes - a writer and journalist. After having my own children, my passion for supporting women and couples through the birth and parenting journey just grew and grew. I love to keep up with current research and I'm forever taking courses and adding qualifications. In fact I’m a bit of a birth/parenting/child development science geek.
My philosophy is to bring a positive attitude to the whole birth and parenting experience and to support the mother in making informed choices for herself; to hold her space, listen to her wishes and do my utmost to see them carried out.
I am especially committed to supporting the postnatal recovery period by building up parents' confidence as well as their physical strength with kind words, time for rest and good food. I believe that our society undervalues the needs of parents in these early months.
I look forward to hearing from new clients all the time - with my broad skill set there is usually some way in which I can help you:
Birth doula; postnatal doula
Gentle Sleep Consultant for babies and young children
Hypnobirthing teacher specialising in the Wise Hippo Birthing Programme

Paramanadoula qualified 2004
Hypnobirthing accreditation since 2005
Nurturing Birth qualified 2009
National Childbirth Trust antenatal practitioner since 2012
Holistic Sleep Programme (BabyEm) OCN Level 6 2020
All Nurturing Birth doulas have completed our approved preparation course and adhere to the Nurturing Birth code of ethics.
Completed Course:

From doula clients:
We were so glad Sarah could be with us, despite baby F arriving 3 and a half weeks early. It made a huge difference - I'm sure I would have found the pain much harder to manage if she hadn't been there. - HM
Her calm attitude was always a plus to help me feel relaxed, and well looked after - LD

At the moment that my partner and I were on the edge of panic, Sarah arrived, defused the situation and calmed me during birth - amazing support. Many thanks for being a wonderful doula - LB

We had detailed discussions about expectation during labour, pain relief methods, exercises and even packing the hospital bags. She provided comfort and guidance on breathing; she also massaged me and reassured my husband. She helped with the first breastfeed, assisted me when I bathed and fetched food (it was the middle of the night). She provided additional help with breastfeeding position and latching and went on a few errands! I am extremely happy that I decided to engage a birth doula. She provided invaluable support before and during labour and helped to turn my anxiety about birth into a memorable experience. I am very fortunate to have had someone with her experience by my side during labour and the birth of my baby. - NP, who asked me back for the birth of her second baby.

Having Sarah's support before, during and after the birth of A was incredibly valuable. I felt confident that my wishes were being translated to the medical staff at the hospital and had a friendly, knowledgeable person to direct numerous questions to at all times. Thank you so much, Sarah. - KG, another repeat client!

Sarah convinced me I could do it without pain relief, which is what I wanted! Excellent...ensured a safe delivery of my child - priceless! - SD

Sarah provided reassurance and comfort when I was alarmed by the sound of another labouring mother's distress. [She] acted as go-between with midwife, reporting on labour's progress, constant monitoring at waterside during time in birthing pool - hugging, hand-holding, massage, verbal reassurance, encouragement and managing gas and air...I would highly recommend Sarah as a doula - her calm, confident, reassuring manner was a huge help. She took endless trouble to send information in the preparation for the birth - nothing was too much trouble.. We will always be grateful and pleased we chose her - HB

"Like having my mum there with me, but without the emotional strings attached!"

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