
NurturingBirth Directory

This week we are grateful to Antonia Wise-Stewart, founder of Mumvoice (uniting mothers using the power of writing and blogs), for sharing her story of deciding to birth without her partner present, and how doula support made for a fantastic second birth experience. “I am the only one of my friends that has ever chosen not to have my partner in the birthing room whilst I give birth, but I now think it is a choice that more couples should openly discuss. I think the […]

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Sophie Brigstocke explores the media furore around midwives having to back down over promoting “normal […]

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Sophie explores the superhuman qualities of doulas in this video blog.  For more information about […]

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What questions have you asked yourselves about where to give birth?  What options have you […]

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Today we chat about how a doula works with a Dad (male birth partner) during […]

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Sophie Brigstocke talks about pain in childbirth, how the media doesn’t help and different comfort […]

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For more information about doulas and to find a doula go to To find […]

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Bodies and baby bumps have always been a part of my life. I grew up […]

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The power of story-telling is second to none when it comes to birth.  For many […]

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