Georgia Ladbury

Nurturingbirth Directory Doula Listing

Personal Introduction:

Hiya, I’m Georgia – scientist and mum of three living in Streatham, South London. Congratulations on your pregnancy, and well done for reaching out for doula support – it really can be transformational!

Pregnancy, childhood and the transition to motherhood/the addition of siblings can be a joyful and magical time. But it can also be stressful and disorientating; even frightening. I’m here to help tip the balance towards the positive, providing you with emotional, practical and informational support to help guide you through a smooth pregnancy and childbirth experience, and those all-important first few weeks as you adjust to life with your newborn(s!).

I came to doula’ing through the convergence of several paths – first being my professional background in public health, where I have a special interest in maternal and child health; second through my feminist side, where I’m committed to empower women to get the best deal possible in all areas of our lives; and third through my own and friends’ experiences of pregnancy, childbirth, and the desire to share everything I’ve learned about the huge transition we go through when a new baby enters a household! You can get a feel for how my background can blend with my doula work in this blog I wrote about supporting women who became first time mothers during Covid in their subsequent pregnancies:

Every woman and every pregnancy is unique, so the way I support clients is unique in turn. I have three broad approaches which will be adapted to your own particular circumstances – “The Arc”, which sees you all the way through from the antenatal to the postnatal period; “The Twilight Zone”, for women who are in the final stages of pregnancy and feeling the need that bit more support for birth and the postnatal period; and “Matrescence”, which is for postnatal support. Although most people picture doulas in the birth room, for me a huge proportion of what a doula does is helping you prepare for the birth, and to recover and adapt afterwards. For this reason, I’m more than happy to work with you even if you’d rather I’d not be in the birth room, or if it’s not feasible for reasons of distance.

Please do get in touch if you feel we would be a good fit for each other ?

Hiya, I’m Georgia - scientist and mum of three living in Streatham, South London. Congratulations on your pregnancy, and well done for reaching out for doula support – it really can be transformational!

Pregnancy, childhood and the transition to motherhood/the addition of siblings can be a joyful and magical time. But it can also be stressful and disorientating; even frightening. I’m here to help tip the balance towards the positive, providing you with emotional, practical and informational support to help guide you through a smooth pregnancy and childbirth experience, and those all-important first few weeks as you adjust to life with your newborn(s!).

I came to doula’ing through the convergence of several paths – first being my professional background in public health, where I have a special interest in maternal and child health; second through my feminist side, where I’m committed to empower women to get the best deal possible in all areas of our lives; and third through my own and friends’ experiences of pregnancy, childbirth, and the desire to share everything I’ve learned about the huge transition we go through when a new baby enters a household! You can get a feel for how my background can blend with my doula work in this blog I wrote about supporting women who became first time mothers during Covid in their subsequent pregnancies:

Every woman and every pregnancy is unique, so the way I support clients is unique in turn. I have three broad approaches which will be adapted to your own particular circumstances – “The Arc”, which sees you all the way through from the antenatal to the postnatal period; “The Twilight Zone”, for women who are in the final stages of pregnancy and feeling the need that bit more support for birth and the postnatal period; and “Matrescence”, which is for postnatal support. Although most people picture doulas in the birth room, for me a huge proportion of what a doula does is helping you prepare for the birth, and to recover and adapt afterwards. For this reason, I’m more than happy to work with you even if you’d rather I’d not be in the birth room, or if it’s not feasible for reasons of distance.

Please do get in touch if you feel we would be a good fit for each other ?

PhD Epidemiology
MA History and Philosophy of Science
Singing Mamas leader training
All Nurturing Birth doulas have completed our approved preparation course and adhere to the Nurturing Birth code of ethics.
Completed Course:

"Georgia’s evidence-based, woman-centred approach to birth provided just what I needed in a doula. Our antenatal session helped me on my path to identify the right birth choices for me and my baby. Georgia’s background in public health and epidemiology meant that she was able to provide lots of evidence-based resources including books, podcasts and videos that opened up birth options that I had not previous considered and provided me with the confidence to advocate for my birth choices in the NHS system. Georgia is a caring and compassionate person and brings a wealth of personal experience in birth and parenting to her work as a doula. She has also been an invaluable support for us in the postnatal period too. I highly recommend Georgia as a doula – she is a wonderful ‘mum mentor’ and a great person to have alongside you at any stage of your birthing journey."

-Kath, mother to two boys

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