Hannah Hunt

Nurturingbirth Directory Doula Listing

Personal Introduction:

Hello, I am Hannah and Mum to 5 children, we live in a small village in Devon surrounded by rolling hills and a 10-minute drive from the beach. I am a qualified Nursery Nurse and nurturing birth Doula. I volunteer for a family support charity, whilst training to be a practitioner with the National Childbirth Trust.

My first memory of being fascinated with pregnancy and birth, was when I was 7 and a family friend visited: she was pregnant with twins and I remember questioning my mum for hours, about how she could have TWO babies in her tummy! Fast forward, hmm nearly 40 years……. And I still find the process of pregnancy and birth fascinating. 

Each pregnancy and birth is unique, and I believe every woman should feel empowered to ask for what she wants during the birth of her baby and in the postpartum days. As your Doula, I will support you during this unique time, offering you a safe space to talk through your wishes and help you plan the birth you and your partner wish to have. 

I am currently training with the NCT to be a birth and postnatal practitioner, and I am also due to start training in the Rewind Technique for birth trauma.

Nursery Nurse (BTEC)
Nurturing Birth Doula
All Nurturing Birth doulas have completed our approved preparation course and adhere to the Nurturing Birth code of ethics.
Completed Course:
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