Jane Hinde

Nurturingbirth Directory Doula Listing

Personal Introduction:

Hello I am a Doula and Sleep Coach living close to Frankfurt. I am relatively new to the Doula world having trained a while ago and then taken a refresher course in 2022. But as a mum of four I have plenty of experience with birth and the world of babies! I am a relaxed and friendly person who loves listening to and caring for others.
I am happy to offer antenatal and post natal care as well as attending births in hospitals. My mother tongue is English and I can get by in German so can help with some basic translation during the birth.
I am based in Bad Soden and happy to be in contact with parents in the nearby area and Frankfurt. I am an expat parent and all my babies were born outside of the UK.
I know there are many expat parents who feel lost and need some support during pregnancy and birth and I will be there for you.
I also offer sleep support and guidance to parents to be and new parents.
Please contact me via email or my sleep coach website! I usually first of all arrange a time for a video call or meet up in person so we can get to know each other.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Hello I am a Doula and Sleep Coach living close to Frankfurt. I am relatively new to the Doula world having trained a while ago and then taken a refresher course in 2022. But as a mum of four I have plenty of experience with birth and the world of babies! I am a relaxed and friendly person who loves listening to and caring for others.
I am happy to offer antenatal and post natal care as well as attending births in hospitals. My mother tongue is English and I can get by in German so can help with some basic translation during the birth.
I am based in Bad Soden and happy to be in contact with parents in the nearby area and Frankfurt. I am an expat parent and all my babies were born outside of the UK.
I know there are many expat parents who feel lost and need some support during pregnancy and birth and I will be there for you.
I also offer sleep support and guidance to parents to be and new parents.
Please contact me via email or my sleep coach website! I usually first of all arrange a time for a video call or meet up in person so we can get to know each other.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Bachelor of Education, Early years and Primary
Nurturing Birth Doula
Sleep Nanny Academy Sleep Coach
All Nurturing Birth doulas have completed our approved preparation course and adhere to the Nurturing Birth code of ethics.
Completed Course:
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