Michele Quaife

Nurturingbirth Directory Doula Listing

Personal Introduction:

Hi, I am Michele and I live in Tonbridge, Kent. Congratulations on you pregnancy and I am delighted that you are looking into having a doula.
As an older Mum, empath and personal trainer that specialises in pre & post natal exercise and nutrition, I understand and appreciate the perinatal period from different angles. It is an extremely personal journey and while it may be enjoyable for some, it may be far from that for others. Going through pregnancy and birth inspired me to train as a Doula as I wanted to further my knowledge and help others.
‘I want to give you the confidence to advocate for yourself, to support you and be there to listen, sign-post you to material so you can make informed decisions and above all, contribute towards you having a positive experience and feeling empowered.’

Hi, I am Michele and I live in Tonbridge, Kent. Congratulations on you pregnancy and I am delighted that you are looking into having a doula.
As an older Mum, empath and personal trainer that specialises in pre & post natal exercise and nutrition, I understand and appreciate the perinatal period from different angles. It is an extremely personal journey and while it may be enjoyable for some, it may be far from that for others. Going through pregnancy and birth inspired me to train as a Doula as I wanted to further my knowledge and help others.
'I want to give you the confidence to advocate for yourself, to support you and be there to listen, sign-post you to material so you can make informed decisions and above all, contribute towards you having a positive experience and feeling empowered.'

Nurturing Birth, UK - Certified Doula
Future Fit Training, UK - Level 3 Personal Trainer HCertSAL (VTCT), Level 2 Fitness Instructor CertSAL (VTCT), Nutrition and Weight Management,
Specialist in Pre + Post Natal Exercise + Nutrition
Lower and Upper Body Injury Identification & Rehabilitation Course
COVID 19 Rehabilitation Course
Additional REPS Qualifications
Fully Insured and DBS Certified
First Aid Qualified

All Nurturing Birth doulas have completed our approved preparation course and adhere to the Nurturing Birth code of ethics.
Completed Course:

Michele is the help I always knew I wanted but never knew I needed! From easing my prenatal worries with her extensive knowledge and constant reassurance to outstanding support on my day of labour. Her qualities don’t end there. I’m a second time mum and trust me when I say it’s just as daunting second time round bringing your little fragile bundle of joy home. If it wasn’t for Michele’s emotional support, advice and encouragement in my early days of motherhood it would have been a very lonely place.
Jessica, Kent

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