Silviya Valkova

Nurturingbirth Directory Doula Listing

Personal Introduction:

Hi, I am a Birth Doula in West London. I live with my husband and two children.

I celebrate pregnancy as a period of new emotions, new sensations, and new knowing to create new life. I trust in the cocktail of instincts, hormones and physiology that mother and baby co-create.

I cherish labour and birth as a private event, even further as an intimate moment of life. My goal is that of a birth keeper. My role as a doula lies in offering my arms, my words, my knowledge, my calm, my spirit, my whole to the woman so her birth is even more precious and satisfying.

I have experience with: no need for pushing births, with home births, with assisted births, with c-sections and with epidural births. Doula colleagues describe me as sincere, calm and down to earth and as well as upbeat, trustworthy and resourceful.

On a personal account, I felt different withl the births of my two children. During my first pregnancy, I read books and asked for opinions. I was fearful of due dates, waters breaking or contractions intensifying. During the birth itself, I was vulnerable. With my second pregnancy, I took a month and a half of annual leave before my estimated due date to gift that time to myself. I surrounded myself only with women who trust their bodies and know how ordinary and extraordinary birth is. One of whom was my doula. I filled myself in with her wonderful birth stories. At birth, the process felt so natural that time and space lost meaning and importance. It was only my baby and I. I experienced the intensity of pure feminine power.

I breastfed my children and I went through some discomforts in the first months but nothing can beat the pleasure I had in nursing my children.

I offer antenatal, birth and postnatal doula packages. I also offer pregnancy and placenta rituals and baby blessings.

Paramana Doula – qualified with Michel Odent and Liliana Lammers in 2012 and 2018

Closing the Bones Massage (aka Rebozo Manteada) – qualified with Rocio Alarcon in 2018

Nurturing Birth Birth and Postnatal Doula – qualified with Sophie Brigstocke in 2019

Paediatric First Aid - last refresher in 2020

My qualifications outside the field of pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period are related to shamanic healing, to beekeeping and to the prevention of financial crime.
All Nurturing Birth doulas have completed our approved preparation course and adhere to the Nurturing Birth code of ethics.
Completed Course:

“Your womanly strength is palpable and inspirational.”

“Your quiet calming energy blew me away.”

“Thank you so much for being there & your help & advice today! Don’t know about [name] but on my own I would’ve literally been in a state of permanent panic.”

“I really felt that Silviya was very easy to have around and somehow was always in the right place doing the right thing.”

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